Inquiry Based Activity

About This Activity




Intermediate 2

(4th semester college level)

Time Needed

4 week period

2 50-minute classes within the 4 weeks – one at the beginning for project introduction and one at the end for project presentations



For students to realize the broad range of German music, to find artists/bands that they enjoy, to learn about their artist/band and the genre, and to compare and contrast the artist/band to a similar American group.

Materials Needed

  • Internet access
  • Screen + projector and/or document camera
  • Word processing system
  • Handouts 1-3


Project Description

During the first class, the instructor introduces the project. The class will start by having a discussion of German music and the students’ assumptions about what German music is. The teacher then pulls up Handout 1 on the screen or use the document camera and dicuss the list of musicians with the students. 

The instructor then hands out Handout 2 and discusses the project with the students.

Deutsche Musik Projekt

Sie müssen eine deutsche Band, einen Sänger oder eine Sängerin wählen, und eine Präsentation darüber machen. Ihre Präsentation müssen diese Sachen haben:

  • Information über die Band oder Person
  • Information über das Genre in Deutschland
  • Ein Lied mit Video
  • Ein Vergleich mit einem amerikanischen Band, Sänger oder Sängerin

Bringen Sie ein kleines Handout mit, das eine Zusammenfassung Ihrer Präsentationen hat. Bringen Sie genug Kopien für die ganze Klasse. Ihre Präsentation und ihr Handout müssen auf Deutsch sein.

Sie werden Ihre Band, Sänger oder Sängerin heute wählen.

Ein Entwurf Ihrer Forschung wird im Unterricht am __________ (Datum in zwei Wochen) fällig sein.

Ihre Präsentation werden im Unterricht am __________ (Datum in zwei Wochen) fällig sein.

Meine Band, Sänger, oder Sängerin ist: ________________________________________________

Mein Genre ist: ________________________________________________

German Music Project

Your assignment is to choose a German band or artist and create a presentation surrounding who you chose. Your presentation must include:

  • Information about the artist/band
  • Information about their genre in Germany
  • One song (with video to present)
  • A comparison to a similar American artist/band

Bring a brief handout with a summary of your information on the presentation day, with enough copies for everyone in class. The entire presentation and your handout must be in German.

You will sign up for who you want to do your project over today.

A draft of your research will be due in class on __________ (date two weeks ahead).

Your presentations will be held in class on __________ (date two weeks ahead). 

Write your artist/band here: ________________________________________________

Write your genre here: ________________________________________________

Students will get the chance to sign up for the musician they want tot do their project about on Handout 3, which will be available in class (passed around, posted on wall, etc.)

Two Weeks Later

Draft one is due on the date decided on by the instructor. Students will bring their draft to class and the instructor will check in with students individually to see how their work is progressing. Other students can continue to work on their projects during class. 

Two Weeks Later

In-class presentations! Based on the size of the class, there may need to be additional activities planned with extra time, or additional presentation days planned for larger classes.

My Thoughts

I love the idea of a music project because music is such an integral part of any culture, and students can learn a lot through music. Their presentations have to be in the target language, which allows them to work on their grammar and presentation skills, and they have the opportunity to learn from others about different artists and genres. They can also look at the American equivalent of their artist/band, giving them an idea of how the two cultures compare and contrast.