Reading Activity

About This Activity




Intermediate 2

(4th semester college level)

Reading Material

Der Spiegel Online

Time Needed

Three 50-minute classes

Class 1: 10 minutes

Class 2: 20 minutes

Class 3: 50 minutes


For students to use their reading skills to complete the project with their partner, to find an article they are interested in, and then use their writing and speaking skills to create and make an in-class presentation.

Materials Needed

  • Handout 1
  • Internet access

Project Description

Students will make groups of two and compete the project outlined below. During the last 10 minutes of class 1, the instruction will introduce the project with Handout 1. 


Sie und einen Partner/eine Partnerin müssen einen Artikel aus wählen und machen eine Tagesgeschehen-Präsentation über Ihren Artikel. Sie können irgendeinen Artikel wählen, die Sie mögen, trotzdem muss Ihren Artikel auf Deutsch sein.

Sie müssen den Artikel lesen, und bereiten eine Präsentation auf Deutsch für Freitag vor.

Benutzen Sie Handout 1 als Handbuch für Ihr Projekt – es gibt Fragen in Handout 1 für jeden Teil des Projekts. Sie müssen die Materialen auch mit Ihrer Projekt einreichen.

Tag im Unterricht Hausaufgabe
Montag Diskussion des Projekts

Machen Sie die Vor dem Lesen, Beim Lesen, und Weiderlesen Aktivitäten.


Bringen Sie Ihre Materialen und Zugriff auf Ihren Artikel (eine Kopie, einen Laptop, ein Handy, usw.) und beginnen Sie die Nach dem Lesen Aktivität.

Machen Sie Ihre Präsentation fertig und üben Sie mit Ihrem Partner/Ihre Partnerin.



Schreiben Sie die erste zehn Sätze aus Ihren Artikeln im Futur –enthalten Sie den originalen Text auf der Seite.

Current Event Project

You and your partner will choose an article from and create a Current Event Presentation about your article. You can choose whichever article you like, however, you must choose an article written in German.

You will need to read the article, and have a presentation in German prepared for Friday.

Use Handout 1 as a guide through your project – there are questions listed for each step of the project. You will turn in your completed packet along with your presentation. 

Day In Class Homework
Monday Discussion of project Complete the pre-reading, initial reading, and rereading activities.
Wednesday Bring your packet and a way to access your article (printed copy, laptop, phone, etc.) and begin work on the post-reading activity. Complete your presentation preparation and practice with your partner.
Friday Presentations! Write the first 10 sentences of your article in the future tense – make sure to include the original text on your page.

My Thoughts

I feel that this activity benefits everyone in many ways. For the students individually, it allows them to improve on their reading skills through the article of their choice. Since they can choose the article, they can find one that they are truly interested in. For the students as a whole, the entire class will be able to hear about the many different articles, which allows them to learn more about German news and the events that are happening right now that may not be covered in American news. This activity uses the four forms of language learning – reading, speaking, listening, and writing – in different forms. Reading is the main activity, as it’s the foundation of their project, writing is the second most utilized, since they write notes and create a handout for the class, and speaking and listening are utilized during project presentations.