Short Video Activity
About This Activity
Intermediate 2
(4th semester college level)
Video Segment
“Berlins Potsdamer Platz früher und heute” from Deutsche Welle
Time Needed
One 50-minute class
For students to watch a video that supports the cultural information taught in class. Students will learn about divided Germany and how it was seen in the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, a highly popular and famous section of the city.
Materials Needed
- Projector & screen
- Internet
- Access to film clip
- Speakers
- Handout 1
Teil Eins – Section One
The instructor will lead a discussion about the history of divided Germany, and about what students already know about Berlin. Possible questions include:
- Was wissen Sie über geteilte Deutschland? (What do you know about divided Germany?)
- Wann wurde die Berliner Mauer gebaut? (When was the Berlin Wall built?)
- Wie lange hat sie gestanden? (How long did it stand?)
- Was sind berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin? (What are famous sights in Berlin?)
This activity taps into the students’ schemata, and allows them to think about the topic at hand and prepare their brains for the task that is coming.
Teil Zwei – Section Two
While Watching
Task 1
Students will watch the video once for the gist. After watching, the teacher will ask a series of broad questions to make sure that the video was followed, such as:
- Wo sind wir im Video? (Where are we in the video?)
- Über welchen berühmten Platz in Berlin spricht das Video? (Which famous place in Berlin does the video talk about?)
- Welche historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten sehen Sie im Video? (Which historical sights do you see in the video?)
This first activity makes sure the students understand the overall point of the video, and reiterates the overarching important topic.
Task 2
The teacher will then pass out Handout 1 and review the questions with the students. They will watch a second time to answer the questions, have time after the video is finished to finish writing the answers, and then watch a third time to catch anything the missed.
The handout points to the details of the video, which tie into the post-activity discussion of culture and history in Berlin.
Teil Drei – Section Three
The class will go over their answers with the teacher, and then discuss the culture and history of Berlin and the importance of Potsdamer Platz.
The questions lead to the discussion, creating a bridge from the video to the remainder of the class. I believe that students will get a lot out of this and learn the importance of the area. It will hopefully inspire them to visit Potsdamer Platz one day!